
Friday, August 1, 2008

8-1-08 Patrice McAlister

We headed out to the Patrice McAlister and found calm seas and bright sunshine. I have not dove the Patrice McAlister in many, many years. I forgot what a pretty wreck it is. It is an intact tugboat, sitting upright at a depth of 58', and is covered in soft white coral. The visibility was about 20' and the bottom temperature was 51 degrees. I spent both of my dives taking photos and checking out the interior of the wreck. Funny story about this wreck, my uncle was the Captain of this tug when it was overcome by water and sunk. He lost his favorite coffee mug when it sunk and he always asks me to look around the wheelhouse for it. Needless to say I have never found his mug. Bill collected lobsters during both dives and we totalled 4. There were plenty of taug on this wreck but no flounder. It has been about 1 month since my last dive. I had to endure an unexpected surgery that prevented me from diving for a month. I really appreciated reading everyone's posts it helped to comfort me when I couldn't be out diving with everyone. I was scared that I wouldn't feel up to diving today but then I thought about an old friend whom inspired me to dive and decided I had to go and at least try to dive. What a nice day it was to dive. I often think of that old friend and whether they realize they still inspire me to dive. I have a few dives scheduled for the upcoming weeks as long as there are enough divers to go. So come on everyone, lets spur this economy and GO DIVING!

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