
Thursday, September 23, 2010

John Marvin, Gloria, & Patrice McAlister

Today we went to the John Marvin, Gloria & Patrice McAllister and had 0 visibility at all 3 wrecks. The water is back to that pea soup color and you can not see a thing. I have been diving long enough to know that when the vis is that bad its not worth the risk and you are better off just going back to the boat. Very frustrating day..not much to say other than I thought diving is supposed to be fun. Today it was hard work with no reward. I didn't even get to use my new camera. I'm slowly losing faith...I am diving the Varanger on Saturday and then an epic secret wreck on Tuesday (this was blown out last week and has been rescheduled). This is usually the best time of the year to dive, I'm just not having much good luck these days :)

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