
Sunday, October 2, 2016

JJ CCR Demo at Dutch Springs

I am still on my mission to demo several rebreathers prior to deciding which unit is best for me.  I demoed the Megladon back in May and really liked it.  Several weekends of  blown out dives enabled me to visit Dutch Springs and demo the JJ CCR with Wayne Fisch of DiveSeekers today.  I have known Wayne for quite some time and have dove some challenging dives with him.  He is a very knowledgeable in both teaching technical diving and rebreathers.  Therefore, I knew my experience demoing the JJ CCR would not only be exciting but,  I knew I would definitely learn a thing or two about rebreathers that I did not already know.

There were 3 of us today, myself, Carl and Chris with all different diving back rounds.  Wayne first went over all of the parts of the JJ.  Then he took the previously packed scrubber and showed us how to prepare the unit for diving and how to do all the pre-dive checks.  I cannot tell you how great it is to demo different rebreathers not only because each unit is unique but also because each instructor is also unique.  This demo was more or less completely different from my Meg demo back in May.  A whole different approach which lead to gaining more knowledge in general about rebreathers!

The JJ CCR is an explorer rebreather in which the unit is very streamlined with much less required pre-dive checks and is also very user friendly.  I was the first one in the water today because I had to get back home to drive my son back to college which left for a ton of driving today, 10 hours total!!  Once I had a neutral buoyancy check we were off for the platform.  It is funny how when you are so focused on operating something new that you forget basic things like adding air to your wings and drysuit as you descend.  All of a sudden I was think boy am I feeling a squeeze, yes, all my basic skills went out the window.  I had to chuckle to myself while I corrected for it.  Once comfortable we ascended to about 20' and then 15' to make sure I was comfortable with my buoyouncy.  Then we simulated a bail-out and also ascended to 20' and 15' on bailout before switching back to the JJ CCR.  Wayne then allowed for lots of time to dive and become accustomed to the operation of the unit.  I was in the water for a bout 40 minutes which really gave me a great experience.

I did like how the counter lungs are on your side and not in the front.  It kept the front of me clean like diving open circuit.  This unit also was a lot more comfortable fit on me especially since Wayne had 2 back plates for weight, requiring no weight belt at all. This was a definite back saver for me.   The JJ simply felt very comfortable on me and the electronics were Shearwater which I am already using and accustomed to.  I can't thank Wayne enough for finding time to let me demo the JJ.  I am very impressed by it!

Since my experiences on the Meg and JJ are so different I definitely want to demo the Revo prior to making my decision.  This is going to be a tough call for sure!!!

In the meantime, I sure hope this terrible weather turns around soon so that I can get back to wreck diving in my favorite time of the year.  Be Safe..

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